Research Fellow (Biomass Conversion)

Date: 14 Sep 2024


Company: National University of Singapore

Job Description

The staff would lead at least one project under supervision of the Principle Investigator (PI) and the scope of the project is on biomass valorization. The responsibilities will be as follow:


  • To develop a well justified approach to achieve a goal, once a problem statement and/or a research scope is defined by the PI and the staff.
  • To execute the plan experimentally and interpret the data critically.
  • To report to the PI proactively and take the initiative to propose changes to the plan when the project faces a technical challenge.
  • To draft manuscripts and attend conferences to publicize the project findings.
  • To support other team members and train junior colleagues.
  • To draft research proposal together with the PI.


A well-qualified candidate should:

(1) be passionate about research;

(2) have a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, or a similar/equivalent discipline;

(3) be an expert of chemical conversion of natural and synthetic polymers;

(4) command both spoken and written English at professional level;

(5) be a good team player;

(6) excellent publication record in related areas.